The Corfiot Village That We Call Home
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Bob Giles

April this year had the makings of a busy month for us. Orthodox Easter was late this year and Easter Sunday fell on May 1st. With Easter in the UK being earlier, the island can expect some visitors to arrive early.

I was due to make a trip to the UK which in itself turned into a bit of a disaster but more of that later!

We have also decided to have the house totally decorated outside. The amount of… Continue reading

March heralds a busy month for us. With any luck winter will be coming to an end. Having said that, we really can’t complain about winter this year as it has been exceptionally mild. March also heralds a number of celebrations starting with Τσικνοπέμπτη (Tsiknopemti) or Smokey Thursday which occurred on Thursday, 2nd March this year. It is an excuse for a ‘meatfest’ on the run up to Lent. We celebrated in style at Maistro Restaurant where we filled our… Continue reading

To be honest, February started quite nice with a lot of sunshine and even butterflies started to appear. Then it went pear-shaped! We always expect bad weather in February and despite the winter being amazing to date, it started to show its true colours once we got into the second week

On Sunday, 7th February, I made something of an executive decision and declared that I would be having a ‘Facebook free’ week! As it turned out, this proved something… Continue reading

Our news update is a bit like London Transport buses – You wait for ages and then two come along!

Today we are going to look at how January 2016 has treated us. We have been watching how the UK has been coping with some very serious weather conditions, particularly the flooding. It is impossible not to feel sympathy for those affected, particularly when our own winter has been spectacularly mild. We only hope that we don’t suffer later in… Continue reading

Let’s start by saying a belated ‘Happy New Year’!

By now, many will be wondering if we still live in Corfu! (We Do!) Do we have an excuse for slacking where our intermittent Blog posts are concerned? Well, yes and no are both valid answers! I will try to explain.

For those that don’t know or have forgotten, I retired at the age of 53 in April 2002 and we moved here during the same month. Whenever this comes… Continue reading

Well, hello there! Yes it has been a long time since our last post and there is no real excuse! We hope that you will forgive us. Thanks to those who enquired after us. Thankfully we are both fine. Some of those queries have prompted me to put fingers to the keyboard. Needless to say, we have taken countless photos. We will try to share only those that we feel will be of particular interest.

Let’s see, where did we… Continue reading

We left you last halfway through September. Since then we have had some dreadful weather, interspersed with some periods of nice sunshine. To say that the weather has been unusual for the time of year is an understatement. Many flights have recently been cancelled resulting in passengers being stranded and put up in hotels. We fear for next years tourism because most of those affected were couples that deliberately wait until after children have returned to school after the summer… Continue reading

Here we are into the third week of September and we are in a reflective mood! The summer seemed as if it ended on 1st September! We have had storms, downpours and heaven knows what since then.

So why are we in a reflective mood. you may ask. I will explain.

This has been a very busy summer for us. Not only have we had a succession of old friends visiting the island from quite early on but… Continue reading

Before I get into the ‘meat’ of this post, I must tell you that we had a surprise on Thursday, 10th July and it was … er … irritating to say the least! I had spent the morning rebuilding a dry stone wall that had been decimated when Yiorgos cut  back a nearby olive tree some time ago. I was pleased with my morning’s efforts, despite a few nibbles from horse flies. I was inspired to do more… Continue reading

Hi all,

As our last post was something of an epic, I thought that it might be opportune to keep the ball rolling! Looking at the calendar, I have realised that we are now into the second week of July!

We really should be getting ourselves ready for the forthcoming visit at the end of the month by Corinna and Dave, not to mention our grandchildren, Lauren, Rebecca, Ryan and Maggie. We have made a start – honest! For my… Continue reading

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