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Hi all! We are screaming towards the end of February at an alarming rate. It seems impossible that it is March tomorrow. I guess this seems quick to us because the winter has been so mild here. I don’t suppose that many in the UK are expressing similar sentiments.

I have spent the last two days strimming part of our land as the weather remained dry. However, today we are back to real Corfiot February weather. We awoke to pouring rain and temperatures around 6° C. The cloud was so low that we could just see next door’s garden. Still we can’t complain.

We are pleased to report that Tricia’s sciatic pain is reducing and she is very much more mobile. We are hoping to have our first trip out together over the weekend. It is Carnival this coming Sunday which is an event that we like to attend if only to take hundreds of photos. However, unless the weather is better than promised at the moment, we are unlikely to attend. We will get a meal out though unless something dire occurs.

Looking back on this month, I guess that it has been one that Tricia would sooner forget given the amount of pain she has endured.It has seriously curtailed our going out. The one trip to Nymfes resulted in her coming home near to tears, the pain was so bad. If you haven’t seen the video of Nymfes waterfalls, check out the previous post. We have also added a small gallery of photos which we may add to. It is always wort checking back.

We are hopefully going to end the month by going out to Tasos Grill Room tonight.

I have already  mentioned Carnival on Sunday but on Monday we are hoping to celebrate ‘Clean Monday’ by going out for a dinner of Lenten fare – fish! We also have some football to look forward to. First there is the West London derby between Fulham and Chelsea tomorrow followed by another London Derby with Tottenham the week after. I won’t give a full run down of the fixtures but I will mention the 2nd leg of the Champions League against Galatasaray on Tuesday, 18th March. No phone calls then, please!

I guess that there is little else to say about February 2014, so we will leave it there.

We hope that you enjoy the new format for the site. It will be easier for us to maintain and should rule out a lot of our production delays.

Take care!

Bob & Tricia.

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